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Chapter 540 In the calculation

Chu Xiaoye’s eyes can see far.

So, far away from Bingluo City, before the people standing on the tall city and looking at them had not seen them, he had already seen the crossbowmen on the city and the flags of the Losni family.

Carter once told her that the emblem of the Losni family was a bright red sword inserted on the tombstone.

The flag waving in the wind and the bright red sword are all striking in his eyes.

When they came to a distance of more than two hundred meters from the city, the banner on the city was suddenly removed, and the crossbowmen disappeared.

So, at that moment, Chu Xiaoye knew that this city might have changed ownership.

It’s impossible to make a detour, it’s impossible to make a detour in this life, and the offense is too dangerous, so you can only count on it.

Through the conversation with the old city master, Chu Xiaoye got very useful news.

The old city lord is not a supporter of the Losni family, nor is he ready to go into trouble with the Losni family, but is forced to helplessly.

The Losni family used the people of the whole city to blackmail this old man, which may be useful temporarily, but the old man’s reputation and prestige in this city is not a vegetarian. The people here and the 20,000 army will still support and trust him. .

There is an army of fifty thousand Losni family in the city holding them.

However, the goal of the Losney family is not them, but Princess Carter who rushed back from the border with a large army.

But their plan failed.

Princess Carter did not enter the city, but a large army, detoured from the side and left.

However, there is still hope.

At this time, Princess Carter is walking slowly on the road ahead, or waiting, waiting for the gifts that Bing Luo City promised to give her.

When Chu Xiaoye and the Mormon family were imprisoned in a cell, the Rosni family army, taking advantage of the darkness, went out murderously from another city gate.

Walking in the forefront is the thousands of troops wearing Mormon family costumes and holding the Mormon family crest. They are all members of the Losni family.

Isn’t Princess Carter waiting for the gold coins for the five thousand soldiers and five carriages?

Then, here they are!

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came with a wagon and more soldiers, murderously!

Carter has an army of nearly 40,000, and they are all warriors on the frontier who have experienced many battles. The combat effectiveness is very strong. Therefore, for the sake of stability, the Losney family took away 45,000 people, leaving only more than 5,000 guards. Bingluo City.

These five thousand people control the tallest castle in Bingluo City and the richest and most powerful people in it.

So, it seems safe.

Moreover, the army of the Rosny family who went out of the city didn’t go too far, they could run back at any time.

According to Chesel, the leader of the Losni army, the old city owner of Bingluo City is an old man who knows the current affairs and is very smart. If he dares to resist, then it must be the Losni family army waiting for him. The anger of the whole city and the people here will suffer along with it!

The moonlight is nice tonight.

Chessier, who was riding on the horse, looked up and didn’t seem to be too nervous.

The other party was not prepared. This unexpected attack would surely surprise the princess Carter, then panic and run away in embarrassment.

He wanted to see what kind of cute expression the princess general who made great achievements on the border will show later.

Five carriages walked in front, the exterior was very luxuriously decorated, and inside, it was not the smashing gold coins, but the warriors of the Losni family.

“General! I saw them!”

At this time, a knight returned on horseback and whispered.

Chessel looked up, and under the bright moonlight, many figures appeared on the hillside, some standing, some sitting, looking loose and unruly.

Is this the warrior of Princess Carter?

There was a sneer at the corner of Chessel’s mouth, and said, “Go straight ahead, the five thousand army is followed by forty thousand army. In this dark night, they can’t see clearly. If the other party asks, just tell him, at this moment Mormont Gifts from adults.”

“Yes, General!”

The knight turned his horse’s head and ran to the front.

When the army walked more than a hundred meters away, the opponent questioned loudly.


The knight replied loudly: “People of Bingluo City! Lord Mormont sent me to mount an army and gold coins for Princess Carter Peak!”

After finishing speaking, the knight waved his hand and the army immediately quickened its pace.

“It seems that there are more than five thousand.”

The soldier across from seems to be talking.

The knight still said loudly: “Master Mormont is afraid that the princess will be unhappy, so more people are sent over. Where is the Princess, I want to meet your Royal Highness and present Master Mormont’s gift!”

At this time, the distance between the two sides has been reduced by fifty meters.

“Stop! I’ll report to the princess!”

As soon as the soldier on the opposite side had finished saying this, Chessier suddenly drew his sword, held it above his head, and roared, “Kill—”


Losni’s army immediately roared and started sprinting.

The carriage that was walking in the front stopped suddenly, and one after another tall and burly orcs jumped out of it, roaring and rushing to the front.

“There is fraud!”



The soldier on the opposite side didn’t hesitate, turned around and ran, shouting in horror.

“It turned out to be a bunch of trash!”

Chessel saw this scene, his heart was so firm, he roared and rushed up, yelling: “The king’s order to capture the traitor Carter! The surrender is not guilty!”

The soldier in the front ran away, but there were still many soldiers who stopped in place, seemingly preparing to resist.

“Kill the rebels!”

Chessel led the army and rushed up with an angry roar.

But after rushing closer, the burly orcs who rushed to the front suddenly realized something was wrong.

When the weapons in their hands were cut on the soldiers, Fang found that these soldiers were just branches and trunks wearing clothes!

“Not good! There is fraud!”

At this time, they finally reacted.

But, it’s too late to step back at this time.

The woods on both sides of the road suddenly roared and ran: “Kill—”

Chessel’s face turned pale and hurriedly yelled: “Retreat! Retreat!”

Here is not too far from Bingluo City. As long as he fights, he will retreat and return to Bingluo City. He can still remain invincible!

But, at this moment, the army behind him suddenly went into chaos!

Carter even took all the cavalry around behind them. At this time, he was riding a war horse, like a sharp arrow, inserted from behind them, wantonly slaughter!

Those war horses are extremely sturdy, wrapped in armor with sharp spikes, even if the cavalry on them does not need to attack, these running war horses cannot be resisted by soldiers on the ground.

In order to attack it, Chessier put all the cavalry on the front, and the infantry behind.

At this time, those infantrymen had no power to fight back at all. Apart from sending them to death, they fled in a hurry and smashed the entire army!

Chesel’s cavalry could not run at all, and lost all their power. What is even more frightening is that the infantry following behind is rushing towards the front of his cavalry!

And because he just roared and gave the order to retreat, the burly orc at the front and the cavalry beside him turned their horses’ heads and moved hurriedly behind.

So, his own army, turned into two torrents, began to surging against the impact!


Carter brought the cavalry, and furiously shuttled among the infantry, slashing and slashing, screaming and driving away!

The woods on both sides of the road also rushed out of the dense army of orcs, forcing the army of the Losni family to desperately!

“Hold on! Hold on for me! Kill!”

Chessier was holding his sword, trying to stabilize the army’s counterattack, but found that it was too late, and the whole army had become a mess.

“General! Forward! Let’s move forward!”

The knight reminded him loudly.

Chessel raised his head and looked at the direction of Bingluo City. He felt pain and regret in his heart, but he did not dare to hesitate anymore. He immediately raised his sword and pointed to the front and shouted, “Go forward!”

So the cavalry had to turn the horse’s head with difficulty and rushed forward.

Then, the sunken road in front was piled up with trees, blocking the whole road!

At this time, they were riding their war horses, dashing down from the hillside in a hurry, and when they got close, Fang noticed in horror!

“Be careful! Be careful!”

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The horses rushing in the front had no time to stop, they were tripped down one after another and flew out.

Chel yelled in despair: “Fight! Fight with them!”

This is destined to be a one-sided crushing battle!

At this time, in Bingluo City, the lights are still brightly lit and blooming.

Chu Xiaoye, who was detained in the cell, also started to act.

Chapter 542 Queen’s man!

“Open the door! Open the city gate!”

Chessel took hundreds of warriors from the Losni family, finally broke through the siege and returned to Bingluo City.

However, when they ran down the city gate in a panic and yelled at it, Fang found that the Losni family flag was long gone.

The heavy city gate is still closed.

Seeing this scene, Cheselton’s face turned pale.

He couldn’t believe it was true!

This is his only chance to turn around and survive!

In addition to his five thousand Losni soldiers, there are also Mormon’s 20,000 troops in Bingluo City!

“Open the door! Open the door! I am Chessier!”

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He trembled and comforted himself. It must be someone on the wall who was dozing off and didn’t hear his yelling.

But no matter he yelled his throat, no one poked his head out to pay attention to him.

The chasing soldiers behind had already roared and rushed over.

Carter personally chased the cavalry!

Chessel was panicked, and while ordering the soldiers to slap the door hard, he continued to shout at it.

Finally, a head poked out from above.

At the same time, the torch was lit, illuminating that face and the other faces on the wall.

“Master Chessier, why are you so alarmed?”

Mormont actually made a joke, his old face full of wrinkles, full of teasing smiles.

As Chu Xiaoye had expected, their army effortlessly took down the five thousand members of the Luosni family, and he regained control of the entire Bingluo City.

He was originally worried that Chessier would return with the army, but now it seems that all worries are unnecessary.

“Master Ye really expected everything! Chessel was defeated.”

His beloved granddaughter helped him to compliment the boy beside him sincerely.

The smile on Mormon’s face grew stronger.

“Mormont! You old thing! Order them to open the gates! Otherwise, I will let you Bingluo City become ashes!”

Chessel’s heart was completely cold, but he was still making the last struggle. Perhaps this old man, like before, for the sake of the people in the city, suddenly surrendered to him?

But, he obviously thinks too much.

Mormon smiled and said, “Master Chessier, I’m afraid you can’t protect yourself.”

At this time, Carter had already rushed to the vicinity of the city wall with his cavalry.

Chessier roared grimly: “Mormont! You old thing! I should have chopped you into mashed meat and roasted your grandchildren into meat sauce! My Losney family will never let you go. of!”

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Mormon shrugged and said, “Obviously, Princess Carter will not let your Losney family go.”

Chessier suddenly turned around, knelt on the ground, and said loudly: “Princess Carter! Your Majesty Queen! I, Chessier, are willing to surrender! I am willing to bring the soldiers of the Losney family to serve you.

“Kill! Don’t leave one!”

However, Carter answered him with these cold words.


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Chelsea’s head flew first.

Then, the hundreds of orc warriors were quickly slaughtered.

Chu Xiaoye said loudly on the wall: “Carter, you shouldn’t kill them. You need a lot of warriors now, don’t you?”

With blood on Carter’s face, he raised his head and said vigorously: “The 45,000 army of the Losney family, I have taken 30,000 captives, and the remaining 15,000, one did not stay. And these hundreds of soldiers, fight. Fate also helps Chessier to break through, showing how loyal they are to the Losni family. Therefore, I don’t need them.”

“But they have dropped their weapons and surrendered.”


Chu Xiaoye looked at her with complicated eyes.

Carter laughed and said, “How do you know that they are willing to surrender? Since they are so loyal to the Losney family, maybe they surrender deliberately and wait to assassinate me?”

Chu Xiaoye didn’t speak any more, looking down at the dead bodies on the ground.

“Master Mormont, the army of the Losni family has been cleared, please open the city gate!”

Carter raised his head and said loudly.

“Thank you, Your Highness, for your relief, Your Highness will wait a moment.”

When Mormon was about to tell the soldiers below to open the city gate, Doya, who was standing next to him, suddenly and quietly pulled his clothes, but did not speak.

Chu Xiaoye suddenly looked at him and said, “Master Mormont, you can’t open the door!”

Mormon was taken aback, looked at him in astonishment, and said, “Aren’t you your Highness’s counselor?”

Chu Xiaoye said with an indifferent expression: “No, I’m just a poor worm held hostage by her.”

Then solemnly warned: “Master Mormont, I don’t know if you have heard the story of driving wolves and welcoming tigers? For you, the army of the Losney family is a pack of wolves. Now, it’s hard to drive the wolves away. , Is Lord Mormont going to open the city gate again to welcome in a group of tigers even stronger than wolves?”

Mormont suddenly laughed, turned his head to look at the granddaughter beside him, and said: “Look, just before coming up, you reminded me in a low voice, let me no matter who is outside, don’t open the door. Even the princess, Even if the princess counselor asks me to open the door, I will refuse. Doya, you still underestimate this Lord Ye.”

The girl blushed, but bowed down solemnly, bowed to Chu Xiaoye, and said, “Master Ye, Doya is very mindful. Master Ye is able to reject the princess for the sake of Bing Luo City. Doya is true. I didn’t expect it.”

Chu Xiaoye showed a touch of self-deprecating at the corner of his mouth, and said, “It’s not all for you, but also for myself.”

He suddenly stretched his head from the city wall and shouted to the bottom: “Carter, Lord Mormont won’t open the city gate. You should leave. As for the promises Lord Mormont gave you before, they will still be fulfilled. Is that right, Master Mormont?”

He turned his head and looked at the old man.

He believes that the old man is not really stupid, but pretending to be stupid. If he is smart enough, he will not only fulfill his promises, but also increase a lot. After all, this is a golden opportunity.

The young girl under the city is now in full swing and is sharp and unparalleled. No one can guarantee whether she will succeed in the capital.

But, what if it succeeds?

This bet is worth making for the elderly who have lived such a long time, and for this ancient and wealthy city.

“of course.”

Mormont did not let him down, and said to the following: “His Royal Highness, in addition to the five thousand army and five carriage gold coins that I promised before, I will give the princess another ten carriage weapons and another ten carriage gold coins. These weapons And the gold coins are all left by the Losni family. Since the princess defeated them, it should belong to the princess.”

This can be regarded as borrowing flowers to present the Buddha, and for the Carter army at this moment, it is definitely giving charcoal in snow.

Going to the capital here, without these things, it would be difficult to confront other forces.

“And, Princess Carter, I can still promise. If the princess needs supplies in the future, whether it is food, weapons, or even gold coins, I will do my best to help the princess.”

Mormont made another bet, and it was huge.

Chu Xiaoye glanced at him with some admiration. It seemed that the old man was pretending to be confused at first.

Carter rode a war horse, stood still under the city wall, silent for a while, Fang raised his head and said: “Master Mormont is so generous, Carter is grateful. The army can not enter, but Master Mormont must take those elves Send it out.”

Mormon smiled and said: “Princess, without these elves, I am afraid that this city still belongs to the Losni family. I will not force them. They are willing to go out. It is naturally good. If they are not willing, then I There is no way.”

Carter said coldly: “Then you open the city gates and I will go in to meet them personally! Don’t worry, I only bring ten guards, and one won’t wait! If Lord Mormont is still worried, then Carter can be one People go in!”

Everyone was stunned as soon as he said this.

Mormon glanced at the young man beside him in a little surprise, then looked down and said: “Princess, you now have an army, you have wealth, and victory is right in front of you. Why bother to take risks for the sake of a few elves? There is no guarantee that they will not harm you.”

Carter sneered: “They dare not!”


Mormon asked curiously.

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Carter raised the sword in his hand, pointed at the boy on the city wall, and said coldly: “Because the man named Ye is my Carter’s man!”

As soon as he said this, the whole army was in an uproar.

There were strange noises on the wall.

This elf boy is actually Queen Carter’s man? Isn’t he just a boy? Does the queen have quirks?

Mormon was stunned, turned his head to look at the boy beside him, a little unbelievable, and said, “Really?”


Chu Xiaoye immediately said loudly: “She lied! Don’t listen to her nonsense! I am innocent and clean with her! I am an elf, she is an orc, and I am just her counselor, and a coerced counselor!”

Carter said angrily below: “Did you not admit it after eating and cleaning? You slept me many times and tortured me for many nights! Don’t you have any points in your heart? Not only my men have seen it, but those around you Elves, you know! You just quibble!”


These words, like a thunderstorm, shocked everyone again!

Today’s Princess Carter has become the Queen Carter. Tonight is the time of high spirits, and the news that she blew herself up in front of so many people shocked everyone!

“I…I don’t!”

Chu Xiaoye is a little guilty, obviously you slept with me and tortured me, OK? Why should I have a guilty conscience?

“Just one more question, can’t you get out?”

Carter’s face was chilly and authentic.

Chu Xiaoye raised his head, glanced at the two fire dragons hovering above his head, then looked down at her and said: “Carter, get together and get away. I don’t like seeing you kill. You will kill more along the way People, and even kill your relatives. Sorry, I also have relatives, they are now in danger, I must save them as soon as possible. Therefore, I can’t go with you anymore.”

“Good! Good!”

Carter gritted his teeth and said two more.

Chu Xiaoye breathed a sigh of relief thought she would just give up.

Who knows, the witch suddenly raised the sword in her hand and said angrily: “The generals will listen! Immediately attack the city! Whoever breaks through the city gate first is my champion under Carter! After I officially ascended the throne, This Bingluo City is his place of reward!”

“Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!”

Nearly 70,000 troops, they all cheered excitedly, and immediately prepared equipment to attack the city.

The 30,000 army of the Losni family is particularly active. This is their best chance to gain the trust of the Queen!

Mormon paled on the city wall.

Everyone’s eyes turned to the elf boy.

“This is not my fault.”

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Chu Xiaoye spread out his hands, defending with a guilty conscience.